2014 Resolutions
2013 has passed and a new year has begun. I've resolved to start setting achievable goals for the future, and the start of the new year seems an appropriate opportunity to do so.
- Write at least 100 words a day. In a journal, in this blog, or on a napkin... it doesn't matter. As long as it's not for work and/or typical email communications.
- Exercise more. Run. Climb. Continue to develop healthy exercise habits
- Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! Follow Thoreau's mantra, simplify accounts and possessions. Focus on what's important, time is too precious to be spent managing stuff.
- Eat well. Less meat. More vegetables. Less coffee and beer, more water.
- Learn. Read more books. Learn a new language. No more TV. Less sports (except world cup!). Stop dawdling on facebook and with other online distractions.
- Exist. Travel. Enjoy the moments.