I've finished week one of Hacker School and want to summarize the first week as best I can. First of all I feel I have been making great progress throught the nand2tetris.org course. I've completed roughly a chapter a day. I've started reading chapter 7 but will hold off on starting the exercises while I digest the material I've been exposed to. I want to complete a few other smallish projects before starting again. One project is writing the minimal amount of C++ code to interface with the Oculus Rift. Another is playing with iOS development (flappy bird clone?).
Overall initial misgivings about leaving my job and forgoing a salary (scary) have been swept away as I have learned more about computers in the last week than I have in the last year. Besides just following the nand2tetris course, there have been small and informal talks and gatherings regarding topics like git and python internals, process profiling, and even some live javascript game programming. The experience of my first week in NYC is another experience altogether perhaps worthy of its own post.